CID | 1 |
StampRef | 12516 |
SetRef | 0 |
CState | Mint |
ItemID | 12006 |
CoverID | |
Quality | |
Description | |
Location | |
Multiplicity | 1 |
PurchaseID | 0 |
PricePaid | 0 |
Currency | GBP |
Accession | |
Disposed | |
SoldTo | 0 |
Realised | |
PurchaseItem | 0 |
No image found for collection/12006.jpg
There is one example of this stamp in the collection.
List of Chinese/English names of Post Offices up to 1949 (on this site).
Very good for recent issues
USA based society. Many resources including Postal Rates in PRC and much more.
London, UK based society.
A wonderful specialist site for this area, including Manchurian Overprints section.
Part of the online WikiBook for all meter stamps.
Please browse the sales catalogue to an area you are interested in.
Forgeries of stamps have been around almost since collecting of them started. They are particularly prevalent in Chinese stamps. I try to exclude them from my listings. Please contact me if you see any problems. I will soon be adding articles with warnings about forgeries that are current in the market.
Please contact me to place an advert here. Reduced rates for collectors or small traders.