NC16 First Pingshan Mao Tse-tung (perforated)

Issued on 25/02/1948, in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Area region of North China Liberated Areas. Listed as SG #NC60A-6A Scott #nl Yang #NC68-75. Price mint 230, used 100

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Collected AM Catalogue Numbers Face Colour/Design Mint Used Sale
mx view SG06:NC60A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC68 $100 dark blue, 20 10 none
mx view SG06:NC61A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC69 $200 red, 20 10 none
mu view SG06:NC62A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC70 $500 orange, 24 12 none
mu view SG06:NC63A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC72 $1,000 brown, 30 15 none
mu view SG06:NC64A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC73 $2,000 green, 40 16 none
mu view SG06:NC65A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC74 $2,500 maroon, 45 16 none
mu view SG06:NC66A,Scott03:nl,Yang98:NC75 $5,000 light blue, 52 20 none