EC60 Surcharges on Jiaodong Monument (First Issue)

Issued sometime in January 1947, in the Shandong region of East China Liberated Areas. Listed as SG #EC79-83 Scott #nl Yang #EC94-8. Price mint 335, used 335

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Collected AM Catalogue Numbers Face Colour/Design Mint Used Sale
mx view SG06:EC79,Scott03:nl,Yang98:EC94 $5 red opt. on $2 blue-green 500 500 none
red opt. on $2 blue-green (surcharge inverted)
mx view SG06:EC80,Scott03:nl,Yang98:EC95 $10 black opt. on $1 red 80 80 none
mx view SG06:EC82,Scott03:nl,Yang98:EC96 $20 black opt. on $1 red 50 50 none
mx view SG06:EC83,Scott03:nl,Yang98:EC97 $50 black opt. on $1 red 50 50 none
mx view SG06:EC81,Scott03:nl,Yang98:EC98 $10 black opt. on $1 red (larger characters) 40 40 none
black opt. on $1 red (larger characters of value only, smaller 暂作)