1998-24 Commemoration for the Three Campaigns in the Liberation War - for sale

Issued on 14/11/1998, in Peoples Republic of China. Listed as Scott #2911-15. Price mint 4.2, used 1

set of 5

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Collected AM Catalogue Numbers Face Colour/Design Mint Used Sale
mu view Scott03:2911,Yang09:1998-24 50f 0.2 0.2 none
mu view Scott03:2912,Yang09:1998-24 50f 0.2 0.2 none
mu view Scott03:2913,Yang09:1998-24 50f 0.2 0.2 none
mu view Scott03:2914,Yang09:1998-24 50f 0.2 0.2 none
mx view Scott03:2915,Yang09:1998-24 150f 3.4 0.3 none

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