1996-22 Railway Construction - for sale

Issued on 01/09/1996, in Peoples Republic of China. Listed as SG #4140-3 Scott #2713-16. Price mint 3.6, used 1

set of 4

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Collected AM Catalogue Numbers Face Colour/Design Mint Used Sale
mx view SG06:4140,Scott03:2713,Yang09:1996-22 4-1 15f train entering tunnel 0.3 0.3 none
mu view SG06:4141,Scott03:2714,Yang09:1996-22 4-2 20f freight & passenger trains 0.3 0.2 none
mu view SG06:4142,Scott03:2715,Yang09:1996-22 4-3 50f train on bridge 1 0.2 none
mx view SG06:4143,Scott03:2716,Yang09:1996-22 4-4 100f Beijing Western Station 2 0.3 none