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RC133 GY postage on revenue stamps

Issued sometime in January 1949, in Republic of China. Listed as SG #1122-1151. Price mint 45, used 80

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Got AM Catalogue Numbers Face Colour/Design Mint Used Sale
mu view SG06:1122,Scott03:913,Chan92:G83,Ma98:1300 50c black opt. on $20 brown (DT litho, type A, p12½) (Dah Tung litho print) 0.2 0.5 none
mu view SG06:1136,Scott03:913a,Chan92:G81a,Ma98:1299 50c black opt. on $20 brown (CT litho type A, line p12½) (smaller surcharge) 0.2 0.5 none
mx view SG06:1137,Scott03:914,Ma98:1303 $1 black opt. on $15 red orange (Central Trust litho print) 0.2 8 none
mx view SG06:1123,Scott03:915,Chan92:G100,Ma98:1313 $2 red opt. on $50 blue (Dah Tung litho print) 0.5 1.5 none
mu view SG06:1127,Scott03:915a,Chan92:G101,Ma98:1314 $2 red opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (DY litho print with San Yi surcharge) 0.2 1.4 none
mu view SG06:1128,Scott03:916,Chan92:G102,Ma98:1315 $3 blue opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 0.2 1 none
mu view SG06:1144,Scott03:917,Chan92:G85,Ma98:1301 $3 black opt. on $50 blue (Chung Ming litho type I) 0.2 1 none
mu view SG06:1138,Scott03:918,Ma98:1316 $5 black opt. on $500 brown (Central Trust litho print) 0.2 0.5 none
mu view SG06:1129,Scott03:919,Ma98:1305 $10 blue opt. on $30 mauve (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 0.2 0.6 none
mx view SG06:1139,Scott03:919a,Ma98:1304 $10 blue opt. on $30 violet (Central Trust litho print) 0.8 1.4 none
mu view SG06:1140,Scott03:920,Ma98:1317 $15 blue opt. on $20 brown (CT litho type A, comb p12½) (Central Trust litho print) 0.2 0.5 none
mu view SG06:1141,Scott03:921,Ma98:1318 $25 green opt. on $20 brown (CT litho type A, comb p12½) (Central Trust litho print) 0.2 0.5 none
mu view SG06:1145,Scott03:922,Ma98:1302 $50 red opt. on $50 blue (Chung Ming litho type I/D) 0.2 0.5 none
xx view SG06:1147,Scott03:923,Ma98:1319 $50 red opt. on $300 green (secret marks D & T) (Dah Tung recess print) 0.2 0.5 none
xx view SG06:1149,Scott03:923a,Ma98:1320 $50 red opt. on $300 green (secret mark reversed E on left edge) (Dah Yeh recess print) 0.2 0.8 none
mu view SG06:1130,Scott03:924,Ma98:1306 $80 purple opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 0.2 1 none
mu view SG06:1146,Scott03:925,Ma98:1307 $100 black opt. on $50 blue (Chung Ming litho type I/D) 0.5 2.4 none
mx view SG06:1131,Scott03:925a,Ma98:1308 $100 black opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 6 12 none
mu view SG06:1124,Scott03:926,Chan92:G108a,Ma98:1321 $200 black opt. on $50 blue (Dah Tung litho print, type A perf 12½) 0.8 1 none
mu view SG06:1142,Scott03:927,Chan92:G110,Ma98:1322 $200 blue opt. on $500 brown (Central Trust litho print) 0.5 0.6 none
mx view SG06:1125,Scott03:928a,Chan92:G111,Ma98:1323 $300 red opt. on $50 blue (Dah Tung litho print) 1 1.2 none
mu view SG06:1133,Scott03:928,Ma98:1309 $300 red opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 1.2 2 none
mx view SG06:1132,Scott03:929,Ma98:1324 $300 brown opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 2 2 none
mu view SG06:1143,Scott03:930,Ma98:1310 $500 blue opt. on $15 red orange (Central Trust litho print) 1.2 3.6 none
mx view SG06:1134,Scott03:931,Ma98:1310 $500 black opt. on $30 mauve (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 0.6 2.4 none
mx view SG06:1135,Scott03:932,Ma98:1312 $1,000 red opt. on $50 blue (perf 12½, DY litho) (Dah Yeh litho print) 10 8 none
xu view SG06:1148,Scott03:933,Ma98:1326 $1,000 black opt. on $100 olive (secret marks D & T, narrow (21.3mm)) (Dah Tung recess print) 3 5 none
xx view SG06:1150,Scott03:933a,Ma98:1325 $1,000 black opt. on $100 olive (secret mark reversed E on left edge) (Dah Yeh recess print) 12 14 none
mx view SG06:1126,Scott03:934,Chan92:G115,Ma98:1327 $1,500 blue opt. on $50 blue (Dah Tung litho print) 1.5 4 none
xx view SG06:1151,Scott03:935,Ma98:1328 $2,000 blue opt. on $300 green (secret mark reversed E on left edge) (Dah Yeh recess print) 0.5 0.7 none
mx view Scott03:936,Chan92:GN1 $5,000 red opt. on $100 olive (secret marks D & T, narrow (21.3mm)) (unissued) 350 0 none

Sorry, no image for this set at present. Filename tried was images/2/RC133-1.jpg